Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tech-free Weekend

Our oldest was required to do a project for school, and the whole family was encouraged to participate.  The project was to be as technologically-free as possible.  Meaning, no phones, wii, xbox, TV, computer, or even electricity!  The parents can make small exceptions, which we did.  Only the home phone was allowed to be used for emergencies, we could use our cars to drive to/from work and church, and only the necessary kitchen appliances could be on (refrigerator, freezer, and range).

The family did surprisingly well.  Our son got his friends to play basketball outside until dusk, then they played Monopoly by candlelight.  We ate salad for dinner (using candles & flashlights), and warmed by the fire.

It was a fun experience, and the kids realized that they didn't need all the computer gaming equipment to enjoy their downtime.  But once that 24 hours was up, I have to admit it was nice to vacuum, run the dishwasher again, and do some laundry!