Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Ultimate Frisbee

Our godson plays on the UT Tuff ultimate frisbee team and they had a tournament only an hour away at UGA in Athens, GA.

The one in the middle with the white hat (#23) is our favorite player. The team wasn't hard to spot. We just looked for their orange shirts and boots on the sidelines.😂

Although we missed his first game, we had a chance to visit before the next one started. 

My favorite part was their huddle cheer. 

I wasn't prepared to video the huddle above, but I did video it again later in the day. I love their ending!

Sometimes our player would man the camera.

Other times, he would be on the field. 

If you've never watched the sport, it's incredible to see how accurate the throws are. In this clip, UT is playing NC State where NC scored (included for my son-in-law). But no worries, UT ended up winning the game. 😊  

The game is self-ref'd, and there's a "spirit of the game" where it's more about the fun than the competition. I didn't understand that for the first two games, and I was the only spectator cheering. 

After all 4 games, our hungry godson was ready for a buffet. We took him to the dining hall at UGA where he ate plenty of protein to fill him up. 

Next year, we'll come better prepared with snacks for the whole team! So much fun watching!