Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Friday, April 14, 2023

St. Martin (3 of 3)

Towards the end of our time in St. Martin, Eric found a scuba group going out for a dive while the little one and I found a hike to do. Pic Paradis is the highest peak on the island. 

We drove to the base of the trail without a problem. The trail was well marked with signs in English, which we really appreciated.

It started out fairly easy. I was surprised at all the foliage since the island really didn't have a lot of greenery.

About halfway up, we had to navigate on all fours as we climbed over large boulders. 

Then came the switchbacks which was rewarded by a great view!

There weren't many hikers on the trail, but we did run into one person from NYC who was gracious to take our picture at the very top of the mountain. In the background, you can see the town of Grand Case where we ate dinner the evening before. 

After our hike and Eric's dive, we grabbed a bite for lunch back at the condo and headed to another beach on Eric's list. This one was called Friar's Bay and was on the bougie side of the island where locals with fancy houses seem to go.

This beach also had a hiking trail that led to a secluded beach. We decided to find it.

It was definitely secluded and gorgeous! However, a few others were there, too, and probably not expecting us. Clothing was optional. Time to head back.

While on the bougie side, we drove around looking at all the expensive homes. We found our favorite lot that was available and offered some protection from hurricanes. Now we just need to find the time and money to build something, then have the time and money to enjoy it. Yeah, not happening.

I forgot to post about the goats here. They roam freely eating all the greenery they can find, even if it's shrubs at someone's home.

As we packed our bags to head home, Eric wanted one last meal in Grand Case. We ordered red snapper, whole, with Johnny cakes.