Our oldest just got engaged! Alex drove up to Greenville to talk to Eric several weeks ago and asked permission to marry her. He then waited for the right moment to propose to Ashlyn.
She said yes. 💙
He proposed in Columbia, SC on the State House grounds where they took a walk on their first date.
Their friend is a photographer, so she hid behind a bush to snap these incredible pictures.
This one is my favorite, though.
We drove down to Columbia the next day to congratulate the happy couple and welcome Alex to the family. I hope he knows that I blog, Facebook, and everthing else a proud mom would do. That includes embarassing her kids eventually.
Here's the newly engaged couple at a Halloween party dressed as Lois Lane and Clark Kent (aka Superman). They looked great!

When not in costume, this is Ashlyn in her normal attire. Alex is a wonderful guy to be her rock as she's working in a stressful field. We miss them both. We're excited to see what they accomplish together as a team in this thing called life.
You can follow all their latest wedding plans at The Knot.