Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Saturday, June 4, 2022


With all the graduations and activities in May, the Bishop of Charleston called our church office and said he would confirm our teenagers as one of his last ceremonies before his retirement. The only catch was that we had 3 weeks to prepare them!

The past few years of Covid had limited our ability to confirm students on schedule, so we had a large class. Twenty-two students along with their parents and teachers quickly gathered up the necessary paperwork, read through the booklets, performed service hours, had a retreat, and became ready to accept their faith as adults.

Our daughter chose her brother to be her confirmation sponsor. 💗

As the Bishop placed chrism oil (aka myrrh) on her forehead, the Holy Spirit decended on her just as on Pentecost with the apostles. What made this confirmation Mass even more special is that it occurred the weekend of Pentcost.

Our newly confirmed catholics who took on their baptismal promises themselves so that their faith is no longer the responsibility of their parents or godparents.

Congratulations on this milestone in your faith!