Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Monday, May 16, 2022

Family Adventures

The weather was perfect over the weekend, so with extended family in town, we spent every moment we could outside. First up, a hike to the highest peak in SC...Sassafras Mtn.

I took that picture early on the trail because it was the only time we were in front of the young ones. After a few minutes, it looked like this for the rest of the hike.

We caught up to them at a large boulder where they were hanging out and having fun.

View from the top...just gorgeous!

Sassafras Mountain is on the border of NC and SC, so we had a good time being in two states at once.

Too cute not to capture, each from their home state.

It rained on us just a few minutes, but we didn't mind.

Here's a pic of all of us.

Next we did a little kayaking down the Saluda River.

Navigating the accessible take out was a little tricky, but they did great.

Nearby was a disc golf course. With the perfect amount of frisbees, we had to play!

Even the water hazard didn't stop our fun!

Speaking of water, we headed back to the lake with the jet ski, kayak, and a picnic lunch.

Our evenings were just as fun with dominoes and VR (virtual reality) games. I can't decide if we enjoyed playing the games better ourselves or watching each other swat at air. 😅😅

Such a great visit, and we're grateful we get to call them family!