Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Table Rock

My nonprofit CEO peers created a hiking group on an app and they posted a chat wanting to climb Table Rock. I hadn't been on that trail in a few years, so I agreed to the challenge. It's a demanding hike with payout views that are worth the sweat and sore muscles. 

The ladies didn't mind that my hiking buddy came along. She's must faster than us, anyway, and had no problem tuning us out when the conversation was boring.

Here's the view from Governor's Rock, almost there!

Made it to the summit! 

And another picture that we will post to our group chat for all those who couldn't hike today.

Now to find the clearing to enjoy the great views this trail is known for.

Best picnic spot ever!!!

One more picture before we head down.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Family Adventures

The weather was perfect over the weekend, so with extended family in town, we spent every moment we could outside. First up, a hike to the highest peak in SC...Sassafras Mtn.

I took that picture early on the trail because it was the only time we were in front of the young ones. After a few minutes, it looked like this for the rest of the hike.

We caught up to them at a large boulder where they were hanging out and having fun.

View from the top...just gorgeous!

Sassafras Mountain is on the border of NC and SC, so we had a good time being in two states at once.

Too cute not to capture, each from their home state.

It rained on us just a few minutes, but we didn't mind.

Here's a pic of all of us.

Next we did a little kayaking down the Saluda River.

Navigating the accessible take out was a little tricky, but they did great.

Nearby was a disc golf course. With the perfect amount of frisbees, we had to play!

Even the water hazard didn't stop our fun!

Speaking of water, we headed back to the lake with the jet ski, kayak, and a picnic lunch.

Our evenings were just as fun with dominoes and VR (virtual reality) games. I can't decide if we enjoyed playing the games better ourselves or watching each other swat at air. 😅😅

Such a great visit, and we're grateful we get to call them family!

Saturday, May 14, 2022


 Parties are just not my thing, but with two graduates, we wanted to do something. 

Ashlyn picked up decorations and created a quick invitation. Eric and his brother were in charge of the beer. I ordered the food. 

What was initially just a few people in our back yard turned into about 50 of our closest friends and neighbors at the clubhouse.

We even found a bartender and photographer at the right price (free). So thankful that we had family in town to help us with everything. From set up to clean up, they were the BEST!

Luke's friends stopped by to grab a bite and wish him well.

Ashlyn's besties growing up!

Can't miss a photo opportunity with Alex!

Her sweet friend from UofSC before she studies abroad!

And one with these other fabulous new doctors.

Congratulations to both our kiddos on all you've accomplished! 🏆You deserve this moment of celebration!!

Friday, May 13, 2022


After 4 years of long nights, little sleep, and lots of stress throughout medical school, Ashlyn officially became a doctor!

The ceremony was fairly quick, and we had the best seats in the front to watch our girl walk across the stage. Here she is patiently waiting her turn for her row to be called up.

Out of 160 graduates, the M's were finally called to line up.

Here's her announcement.....

She was robed by her favorite faculty member and mentor, Dr. Cannon.

Just look at that smile!!! Her dream since she was little finally came true! 💙

There were lots of pictures with classmates, and rightly so!  Much to celebrate!  Ashlyn received two outstanding awards among her class, one in family medicine and the other in internal medicine.

A pic with on of her close friends, Katrina.

Then waving goodbye in gratitude for their medical school.

Katrina brought big blow up letters for the pictures.

Lots of extended family came up for the graduation, including her godmother and cousin.

Luckily we had a photographer nearby to capture the whole family who came up for the occasion.

Then a picture with just her beau, Alex.

As the hot sun prompted their layered robes to drop, these three amazing women posed like models. Here are Dr. Ashlyn (surgery), Dr. Eliane (radiation oncology), and Dr. Cindy (OB/Gyn).

Sunday, May 8, 2022

9th Grade Wrap

As our youngest wraps up 9th grade, we have a collage of end of year pics to post. First is some ROTC pictures. Her Navy Junior ROTC class was held during 2nd semester, and although she won't be taking the class again, she enjoyed the experience.

Next is her awards ceremony. Our little smartie got the highest grade in Biology Honors, the highest grade in AP Human Geography, the Renaissance Award (academic and behavorial excellence), and she lettered in academics.

A pic with one of her besties...

I don't think I ever posted her Student Council campaign video from last year, but she did a rap. It won her a spot as an officer for 9th grade!

Then this year's video took a different approach as she ran for treasurer effective next year in 10th grade...

Good thing she's doing well academically! Her courage to create a music video is certainly worth noting. Super proud of her for taking a chance and being daring. It worked and she won!