Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Monday, January 17, 2022

Snow! And a Brewery

We wanted to get away for the long MLK weekend, but decided to cut it short with the winter storm. Our brief trip to NC included a little skiing, a steep climb to a church, the chocolate factory in Asheville, and several breweries. While I didn't take many pictures of our trip, I did capture this one of Eric in front of a massive and very elegant Sierra Navada Brewery.

The back of the place had a beautiful terrace and gardens. These are hops and greens. I thought the hops were brussel sprouts (dbl-click to zoom in).

Once the flurries started, we had our little one drive us back home. The roads were still fine, and it gave her practice with the visual flakes falling lighter than raindrops. We then hunkered down for what was to be the biggest snow storm on record for our area...5-8".

We wanted our youngest to see how it feels to drive in snow. Obviously the first lesson was NOT to drive in it. But if you had to, make sure you have a 4-wheel drive and go slow.

It took a while to clear the windshield, windows, and mirrors. You can see that the roads are packed snow and turning to ice. We just drove to the end of our street and back.

When safely back home, she and Eric went for a walk. So peaceful and quiet outside! We're grateful the power stayed on. 

Having the skiis still out from Saturday, we put them on to try our skills at cross-country skiing. The little one did great!

Me, not so much. 

After a few more attempts, I was ready to go back inside for some warm chili and hot chocolate.