Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Kennedy Space Center

With all the kiddos home for winter break, we decided to make a short 4-day trip to Florida. First stop, Kennedy Space Center!

The rockets on display outside were super cool. But that was just the beginning of the adventure.

My favorite place was seeing the Space Shuttle Atlantis. But first, a photo of how strong Luke is to hold it up. (ha ha)

Once inside, the shuttle was incredible! It's cargo bay was opened as it hung on display. We were completely in awe. So many successful missions!

Then we each had to play with the thousands of buttons in the floor models.

Little kids could take their shoes off and play in the clear tubes that mimic the space station. Our two girls fit in there nicely.

The Space Center had so many informational displays, like this one of the toilet. Ashlyn is demonstrating how it might look for real.

Their mission control room hasn't been used since 1962, and it's intact the way it looked back then. After that year, mission control was moved to Johnson Space Center in Houston.

There was a moon rover for spectators to take a picture. Eric thought it was silly for me to get on, but after that, other adults did as well. 

Launch control was pretty cool, too. These well-preserved spaces have such an historical significance for all of mankind. The Apollo missions were launched from these controls.

This replica of the Saturn V rocket gives you a real sense of the size of that thing. Eric kept looking at the engines as if analyzing their structure.

A replica of the moon landing "Eagle" was there, too.

Here's the deck where the public and media can safely watch the launches. There are three launch pads in the background, although only one is dark enough to see well without zooming in.

I didn't take any picture from the launch simulation, but that was definitely one of the highlights! Awesome day!