Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Monday, January 18, 2021

Flight Lesson

Our youngest asked to pilot an airplane once she turned 14.  So as a combined birthday/Christmas gift, we scheduled her discovery flight.

The instructor was a young and very sweet lady named Alora.  She was perfect for our daughter!  She explained everything really well during pre-flight, allowed the little one to touch all the controls and buttons, and even steer the plane down the taxiways to the runway.

Although a bit windy on the ground, the air was calm at 3000 ft.  Our little one flew the plane on her own for about 45 minutes across Greenville, Easley, Pickens, and Clemson.

Alora took our picture in the back.  Eric and I enjoyed the late afternoon flight watching our daughter soak it all in.

On our approach back to Greenville, the sun was starting to set.  Just gorgeous!

So proud of her first flight!  Now, if she could only come up with about $10,000 and a free day off from school each week, she'd be able to get her private license at 16 years old.