Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Sunday, November 1, 2020


This was new for us...handing out Halloween treats safely without exposing us to the virus.  We had decided to not even participate this year, but Eric changed his mind last minute and wanted to try something.  He created a shoot for the candy going from our window to the front door using materials he had available in our garage.  This 6' pvc pipe was the perfect diameter for sending candy down into their buckets. We put a note on the door explaining what to do.

As the evening got dark and trick-or-treaters began ringing our doorbell, our little one dressed up in her Winnie the Pooh outfit and dropped candy down the shoot.  It was the funniest thing hearing the kids (and parents) comment how cool that was!  Eric got a kick out of it, too.  

Our Halloween (COVID-style) wouldn't be complete without the traditional pumpkin pancakes, sausage, and toasted pumpkin seeds.