Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Frisbee Golf

With 65⁰ weather, we just had to spend the gorgeous day outside.  We decided to play frisbee golf at Dolly Cooper Park.

The course is officially rated for tournament play in SC, so it's pretty tough.  Eric and our youngest had good form starting out.  

She would stay on the fairway while Eric quickly parred.  I figured I'd catch on eventually.   

But after scoring an 8 on the same par 3, I realized there's actually skill involved.  And further, I'm not very skilled.

While the two made this look easy, I simply enjoyed the walks from hole to hole, snapping pictures along the way. 

Here's an attempt to improve on my form.

We occasionally had to search a bit in the tall grass & weeds, but never lost one.  

The winner was our youngest!  Great job, Little One.