Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Xmas - Part 2

Finally at the farm, it was time for R&R (with a few minor chores).  Eric took to paddle boarding...

while me and the little one fished.  Caught several small 1/2 lb bass, but nothing large enough to eat.

The weather was gorgeous!  Ashlyn would go on long jogs or study outside while the youngest practiced driving.  She is a teenager now, you know.

Our son bought him a cowboy hat, so I had fun taking pictures of him with my new phone for his snapchat account.

I love the quality of the photos!  He's a great model, too.  These pics could be the next cover of Texas Monthly.

Every evening, the kids would watch the sunset from atop the hay bales.  Sometimes, it also involved yoga...

or other balance positions.

This one was just for fun.

To keep our exercise routines up, we decided to drive into Taylor one afternoon to walk their park. Our son felt challenged to climb this wall.

Click the video to see how well he did.

With five wonderful days in San Gabriel and two in Shiner, it was time to fly home.  Ashlyn still had premier status with United from all her globe travels, so she and a companion (we picked Luke) were upgraded to first class!  

And since the seat next to him wasn't occupied either, he had a place to set his hat.  Ha ha.