Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Monday, December 10, 2018

Snow Storm

Our winter snow came on Dec. 9th bringing about 3-4", just enough to play!  

The little one immediately dressed in her gear to head out.  Every ten minutes, she'd come back in asking when I was coming out to help her build an igloo.  I finally gave in and bundled up myself.

When Ashlyn finished studying, she decided to go out, too, and build a snowman!  

It was fun watching her struggle with the heavy snow balls.

But she finally finished!  Add a USC scarf and some grapes, then it's complete.

The little one kept waiting for someone to join her sledding down the back hill.  Eventually, she gave up and took a quick nap.  She came inside to warm up about 10 min later.