Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Camp Grandma

Our little one looks forward to personal time with Grandma every summer.  This year was no exception.  She was ready to fly on the plane by herself for a week of fun!

Right off the bat, Grandma was a trooper.  They designed costumes for the free Chick-fil-a entree on cow day.

The of course, no stay at Grandma's is complete without lots of swimming!

They went to a children's museum and learned about Texas history.

And played on the large "Lite Brite" peg board.

She enjoyed lots of puzzles, games, and her "sweet shop", the best place around to buy donuts and ice cream.

They finished off the week baking brownies and cakes for the rest of her family to enjoy with they pick her up.  Thanks, so much, for her memories!

Monday, July 10, 2017


Our 4th of July started out with a 5k race.  The little one and I were the cheering squad.

First place in the family and 3rd in her age group with a time of 20 min!

Eric still had energy to wave to the camera during his home stretch.

Our son sprint passed about 20 people on his home stretch.

Then, the little one got to race...

Fun morning, and we brought home a glass cup and drawstring bag as prizes.  Now time for some bar-b-que on this special holiday!

Thursday, July 6, 2017


Our youngest was in a musical last week.  She loved her camp immensely, and is now ready to do this full-time!

The performance had several songs, dance routines, and costume changes.

Here's the video clip #1 of 4:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A73_KU_N8g

Next, she played an Egyptian queen.

Here's the video clip #2 of 4:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIUTxI-gOuA

This was a fun song.  Clip #3:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzEmJegIhMc

Last is a senimental song about growing up.  I didn't caputre her solo, but she did a great job!  Clip #4:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdVh5592f-Q

Monday, July 3, 2017

Jockey Lot

Looking to do something different since no one had to work on a particular Saturday, we decided to head to the Jockey Lot.  

This is a flea market of sorts.  You can find things new, old, used, stolen, fresh, withered, or expired.  Occasionally, you can even find a decent buy.

Eric bought two figit spinners for the price of one.  Not sure why we needed two, though.

Our son was on the hunt to get a phone case in addition to finding someone who could replace his cracked phone screen.  Luckily, we found just such a person!  

While we waited for the phone to be repaired, we found ways to entertain ourselves.  We took random pictures, then found a makeshift stage.  The kids can be quite funny acting out scenes and dances.  They got a few stares as people walked by, but no one stopped to watch or offer tips for the performance.

After 2 hours and $55 later, we headed home with a new phone, case, spinners, and samples of cactus flower to much on.