Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Easter Hunt

Since we missed our family Easter tradition while on spring break, we created our own special day in remembrance of this wonderful holiday.

After church, we at the full Easter meal with turkey, dressing, mashed potatos, green beans, salad, cranberry sauce, and rolls.  Yes, our family eats this three times a year!  Then, the 2 hour nap, my favorite part!

Later that afternoon came the egg hunt.  Now, the kids only agree to this because it's in our backyard (no one can see us) and there might be a metallic egg or two with money in it.  The little one goes first with a 2 minute head start.  She found the bronze egg.

Our son joins in and quickly grabs all the ones he had seen from his 2 minute stand-by watch.  He found the golden egg.  Still, there's the silver left to be found. (Note the green eggs are falling out of the basket.  This is how fast and serious we take the game.)

Lastly, Eric jumps in.  He is the best at finding eggs, so he has to wait 10 minutes.  You've never seen so much energy looking for eggs! 

Out of 20 eggs total, the little one found the bronze and silver ($15), our son found the gold ($20), and Eric found only one...the last remaining egg.  Can you spot it?  It's pink and sitting in the handle of the red gas can under the motorcycle.  

His one egg held his favorite candy, a Kit Kat!  In his eyes, he came out the real winner.  :)