Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Blood Drive

Our church had a blood drive today.  For the first time, our family had 3 members donate!

Eric was the first to sign up, and our son bravely decided to join.  At 17, he was eligible and knew this was important.  

Our son did great!  So proud of him!  He came out a little weak, but after a bit of juice and sweet treats, he was fine.  

I was a bit hesitant after passing out 3 months ago, but reluctantly tried as well.  It was the best donation experience ever, taking only 5:47 minutes for a full pint and the fastest time of the day of all the 27 donors.  Must have been my nerves and the large cup of coffee.

Here's to the gift of life!