Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Tax Time

April 15th is almost upon us, and I have to share a running joke between Eric & me.  About fifteen years ago, I agreed to mail the tax return envelopes to the IRS and state agencies.  I took them to work, weighed on a scale, and affixed the appropriate stamps.  No big deal.

About 4 days later, on April 15th, we got them returned to us at home because there wasn't enough postage on there.  With only one hour left before the PO closed, we quickly drove back to re-mail them, but this time with the added stamps.

Since that day, Eric has made a comment every year at tax time, "Don't forget to let the post office weigh them!".  Ok, ha, ha.  Heard it enough times already.  But still, he thinks it's hillarious to say each year.

This year, same thing.  Once I got to the post office, I promised I would snap a picture of the receipt to "prove" that I actually let them weigh the envelopes.

However, something interesting happened.  When the clerk punched in the address for one of the envelopes, it didn't register on her screen.  "Is this the correct address?" she asked.  "I think so.  My husband addressed them," I said.  

"Hmmm, well it's not showing up here.  Do you mind opening the envelope to ensure the address was written correctly?" she persisted.

"Sure, Ok," I said.  After opening up the tax return and reviewing the mailing instructions, there appeared to be an error with the zip code.  I crossed out the previously written one and wrote the correct one above it.  Simple transposition error, but oh so sweet!  I had to take a picture.

Mailed as-is, this would not have been delivered on-time and instead returned to our home address, similar to another incident many years ago.  The only difference now is that he won't be able to live this down!   :)