Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Starring Role

Our little one just found out that she got one of the starring roles in this year's school play.  Out of 215 students, she received the part with the most lines.  Now, whenever we are together in the car ride to school, going home, running errands, or playing games, we rehearse her lines.

I know this casting list is difficult to read, but it shows the shear volume of parts.  Several have understudies as well.  The Christmas play should be interesting!

After we practiced her lines, we decided to make friendship bread so that their mornings will be quick over the next few days when Daddy is driving them to school.  While baking, we switched topics to her other favorite subject....her birthday.

Did you know that she will be 8 years 11 months on the 15th?  Also, guess how many days are NOT her birthday each year?  That's right, 364 unless it's leap year, then it's 365.  Do you know what she wants for breakfast on her birthday?  Waffles with cantelope and blueberries and a glass of milk.  For lunch, she wants me to surprise her with either McDonalds, Subway, or Sonic.  For dessert, I'm supposed to bring 2 dozen donuts to school.  The first dozen should have white frosting with sprinkles.  The second dozen should have chocolate frosting with sprinkles.  For her family cake, she wants pumpkin pie.

And we're still over a month away....