Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Sunday, January 25, 2015


Here's the conversation that took place earlier today:

Son:  Mom, do you notice anything different about me?
Me:  Yes, I took you to get your hair cut and you look nice.
Son:  No, that's not it.
Me:  Oh, you brushed your hair.  I like it.
Son:  No, Mom, gosh.  I shaved.
Me:  What?  Why did you shave?  I didn't know you had whiskers.
Son:  Yes, I've shaved 3 times now.  You can tell when I haven't shaved in a while.
Me:  Oh, I haven't noticed.  Let me feel your face.
Son:  Get your hands off my face!  That's weird.  Don't touch me!
Me:  (trying not to laugh) Well, you look handsome.  Do you want me to buy you some razors and shaving cream?
Son:  Yeah, maybe.  I lost mine so I've been using Dad's.

Since he wouldn't let me take his picture, I had to take this when he wasn't looking.