Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Lunch Date

My youngest still loves me to come have lunch with her.  I enjoy that, and really treasure these moments because they won't last forever.  The older two would prefer I drop off Chick-fil-A without being seen, and eating with them has been completely out of the question for years.

Sunday, January 25, 2015


Here's the conversation that took place earlier today:

Son:  Mom, do you notice anything different about me?
Me:  Yes, I took you to get your hair cut and you look nice.
Son:  No, that's not it.
Me:  Oh, you brushed your hair.  I like it.
Son:  No, Mom, gosh.  I shaved.
Me:  What?  Why did you shave?  I didn't know you had whiskers.
Son:  Yes, I've shaved 3 times now.  You can tell when I haven't shaved in a while.
Me:  Oh, I haven't noticed.  Let me feel your face.
Son:  Get your hands off my face!  That's weird.  Don't touch me!
Me:  (trying not to laugh) Well, you look handsome.  Do you want me to buy you some razors and shaving cream?
Son:  Yeah, maybe.  I lost mine so I've been using Dad's.

Since he wouldn't let me take his picture, I had to take this when he wasn't looking.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

MLK Service Weekend

This past weekend, the little one helped me clear brush from a new cancer survivors park opening this summer.  Construction begins in February!  If interested in the progress, here's the link to the organization's website:  http://www.cancersurvivorspark.org/

Monday, January 12, 2015

Teacher & Student

 Our oldest has been a gymnastics coach for the little classes almost a year now.  She loves it!
Our youngest enjoys going now that soccer is over, and their classes overlap one day a week.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

First 100

When a new Chick-fil-a opens, it's a big deal to be the first 100 customers.  We found this out a few days ago.  I'm the one in-line under the big green arrow.

We found out that if you're willing to show up at 6am the day prior, you'd be entered into a drawing for 52 free meals (one per week.)  Since our oldest didn't have school, she wanted to do this.  I agreed to stand in line with her.

Apparently, luck wasn't on her side.  Out of 136 in line, only 100 names and 10 alternate names were drawn and chosen to camp out all night in 10 degree weather.  We did receive 4 free sandwich coupons for our trouble of waiting an hour, but I'd say we were the lucky ones.