Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

First Day of School

The kids started school this week - the last year they will all be home for this traditional picture.  Below are the conversations I had with each about their first day:

Our oldest is now a senior, and grew a little over the summer.  She's 5'6".  Our conversation went like this:
A:  Mother, I need you to stop by Mr. K's bookstore on the way home to buy a used book called "Into Thin Air".
Me:  Ok, no problem.
(I then go to Mr. K's, they only have one left, but it's hardback, went to 3 other used book stores and they are out, went back to Mr. K's and purchased only remaining book for $12.)
Me:  Here's your book, sorry it's the hard back.
A:  What, you spent $12?  Why did you do that when I could have purchased it for $4?
Me:  If you had an opportunity to purchase it for $4, that would have saved me from driving all over town!!
A:  Oh, nevermind.  I'll do it myself and return your book.
Me:  Fine, here's the receipt.
A:  Fine.

Our middle child is now a freshman and has grown to 5' 11".  Here's our conversation:
Me:  How was your first day?
L:  Fine.
Me:  Did you enjoy seeing all your new friends?
L:  No
Me:  Why not?
L: Just didn't
Me:  Can you share a few more details?
L:  No
Me:  Let me try this another way.  Describe your first day.
L:  It was fine.

Our youngest is a 2nd grader.  My conversation with her sounded like this:
Me:  How was your first day?
J:  Oh, I like my teacher, Mommy.  Did you know that our music teacher from last year isn't there this year?  I'm not sure where she went, but we have a new teacher.  Oh, I didn't bring home a lunch menu so we need to find it on the school website to see which days I want to pack and which days to eat in the lunchroom because today I wouldn't have packed if I knew they had pizza.  Their pizza looks different this year than last year.  Oh and Mommy, I got moved down to yellow today, which is only a warning, but I earned it back by the end of the day for being good, see?  I still got on green.  And you know what?  I get to be the first line leader in my class.  She must know that I'm a good leader and did good last year.  That's funny because I was first line leader in Kindergarten, too.
Me:  Ok, let Mommy go to the restroom and change out of my work clothes so I can get comfortable to hear the rest.  

They are each so different.  Happy school days!