Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Our son received his Confirmation last weekend, and he looked so handsome!  Our family gift to him was the suit, but he wanted to stand out so he chose to wear a bow tie.  At 5' 11", all arms & legs, we had to look in the tall men's section, slender cut.  It was a pricey suit, so hopefully he'll get lots of use out of it.
There were about 15 youth Confirmed, which was great for our small church.  On the far right was his sponsor, a good friend of ours.

He loves the watch given by his grandmothers, and values the keepsake immensely. Thank you!  He said it makes him feel like a million bucks when he wears it. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

First Day of School

The kids started school this week - the last year they will all be home for this traditional picture.  Below are the conversations I had with each about their first day:

Our oldest is now a senior, and grew a little over the summer.  She's 5'6".  Our conversation went like this:
A:  Mother, I need you to stop by Mr. K's bookstore on the way home to buy a used book called "Into Thin Air".
Me:  Ok, no problem.
(I then go to Mr. K's, they only have one left, but it's hardback, went to 3 other used book stores and they are out, went back to Mr. K's and purchased only remaining book for $12.)
Me:  Here's your book, sorry it's the hard back.
A:  What, you spent $12?  Why did you do that when I could have purchased it for $4?
Me:  If you had an opportunity to purchase it for $4, that would have saved me from driving all over town!!
A:  Oh, nevermind.  I'll do it myself and return your book.
Me:  Fine, here's the receipt.
A:  Fine.

Our middle child is now a freshman and has grown to 5' 11".  Here's our conversation:
Me:  How was your first day?
L:  Fine.
Me:  Did you enjoy seeing all your new friends?
L:  No
Me:  Why not?
L: Just didn't
Me:  Can you share a few more details?
L:  No
Me:  Let me try this another way.  Describe your first day.
L:  It was fine.

Our youngest is a 2nd grader.  My conversation with her sounded like this:
Me:  How was your first day?
J:  Oh, I like my teacher, Mommy.  Did you know that our music teacher from last year isn't there this year?  I'm not sure where she went, but we have a new teacher.  Oh, I didn't bring home a lunch menu so we need to find it on the school website to see which days I want to pack and which days to eat in the lunchroom because today I wouldn't have packed if I knew they had pizza.  Their pizza looks different this year than last year.  Oh and Mommy, I got moved down to yellow today, which is only a warning, but I earned it back by the end of the day for being good, see?  I still got on green.  And you know what?  I get to be the first line leader in my class.  She must know that I'm a good leader and did good last year.  That's funny because I was first line leader in Kindergarten, too.
Me:  Ok, let Mommy go to the restroom and change out of my work clothes so I can get comfortable to hear the rest.  

They are each so different.  Happy school days!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Kayaking the Broad River

Last weekend, the weather was perfect for being outdoors.  The family headed to Georgia and kayaked the Broad River.

Everyone had their own kayak except the little one.

The water levels were lower than usual, which was unexpected since we had a lot of rain the previous few days.  

We enjoyed a good 3-4 hours on the river with lots of paddling, rapids, resting on the islands, and swimming.

During the largest rapid, or waterfall, we lost the camera.  After numerous attempts and lots of luck, we actually recovered it beneath the water & rocks!  Really appreciating the pictures after that.