Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Field Trip

 One of the things I love about having a little one is that you're still "cool" on field trips.  Our youngest asked if I could chaperone a school trip to a play, and I couldn't resist the sweetness in this request.

Here, our little girl is next to one of her BFF's, and they posed so cute on the bus.  It was also "sunglasses" day, and a sunny, but cold, day to wear them.

Once seated, it seemed like an eternity to keep the girls quiet until the show began.  They weren't too interested in my phone since it's a basic phone, and I didn't have an ipod with games on it to keep them busy.  But, they did their best to stay as calm as possible in the 30 min. spare time we had from arriving early.

Our performance was  based on the book "The Hungry Catepillar" by Eric Carle.  It was a great performance that was geared perfectly for this age group.  The kids loved it!

After the show, one of the students in the first group dismissed decided to pull the fire alarm (not from our school).  So, in the bitter, but sunny day, we all had a mass exit and enjoyed the 40 degree temps while waiting for an hour on each school's bus to pull in.  With all the gorgeous fountains in downtown, you can imagine the difficulty in keeping their little hands out of the water.

Overall, it was a cute outing that got extended past our expected arrival time.  But, the precious moments of still being "cool" was priceless.  I loved all the hugs from the kids!