Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Pageant Competition

Our oldest was in a pageant competition last weekend called Distinguished Young Women (formally Junior Miss).  It's based on scholastic ability, talent, interview, poise, and fitness.

This was her interview outfit.  She said it went well for the most part.  But seconds after as she was asked about her passion for health & wellness in our youth, another judge cut her off for one last question. She was disappointed she didn't get to fully answer it. Not a huge deal, though, as she rocked all the other questions.

Her talent was very unique.  She wanted to showcase her culinary skills by carving the pageant logo into a watermelon.  An awesome job, and completed within the 90 second time limit!

I didn't take any pictures during her fitness routine, unfortunately, but she was amazing.  Here is the final dance with their dresses on.  For someone who rarely wears heals, let alone dance in them, she did great.

Overall, our daughter won the scholastic competition and was awarded a $250 scholarship.  We were really proud of her performance and attitude throughout the whole 6 weeks of preparation.  It was a lot of hard work and made her get out of her comfort zone!  Way to Go!