All three of our kids were begging to go to the game. The entire town must have been there. Once Eric & I walked through the gates paying admission for the family, the kids took off.

After grabbing our seats, my first task was to find the little one and keep an eye on her. Whew! She was with some little friends from school playing down front.
Next I wanted to find our oldest. After 15 min of combing through the student section very discretely, finally found here in the back row cheering on the team. Notice how I'm not making a scene by taking this picture. That is very important in the world of teens.

Then for the elusive boy who never shows up unless he's hungry and needs money. Found him far off in the distance with my zoom lens on (again, so he doesn't notice I'm taking a picture).
Whew, all kids accounted for, now I can sit back and watch the game. Well actually, Eric watches the game. I chat with other moms as we scour the stands and concessions every 15 min taking notice of the kids, and keeping an even closer eye on the little one. It's time for fall!