Hiking in the Rocky Mountains gave us quite a few memories (some quite scary!), but everything ended okay, thankfully.
The little one talked all the way up and all the way down the 5.2 mile round-trip trail. Whomever was with her usually brought up the rear. She was often carried, or complained about her legs having to walk if she wasn't carried.
The two littlest cousins had a great time in front of the camera. The taller one in the picture was later swept away by strong water rapids, but mom Teresa was quick to jump in and save her, and has a large gash in her leg as a lasting reminder of the event.

The scenery was gorgeous, and the little one was still a ham on the hike. Want to guess which one fell asleep before we pulled out of the park roads?

While taking a break to rest, the cutest little chipmunk wanted to share in our snacks. It was so precious, and preferred peanuts over anything else we had to offer. So, we all gathered up whatever peanuts we could find and the little creature just shoved it all in its cheeks. As we left the park, it was only then that we saw a sign not to feed the animals, specifically chipmunks. That would have been helpful to see earlier.

Back at Aunt Marty's house, the little ones (now rested and dried out) decided to play in her hat collection. They became best buds while everyone else scarfed down an entire ham, 15 baked potatoes, 15 corn-on-the-cobs, and 2 loaves of french bread in a matter of seconds. The 4 gallons of ice cream were demolished as well. Although we didn't want to leave, we had to continue our vacation.