It's her senior year! How did this happen so quickly? It all started with the last first day...senior sunrise.
Students only, no parents. I was grateful for the Instagram posts.

One of her besties!

Then it was cross country season. They started training over the summer, but it hit home once the banners went up.
She was the strongest runner on her team this year. It was fun to watch her in the lead, still smiling with her thumbs up! She enjoyed every moment.
Her strength training paid off with award after award. Every race she finished in the top 10, and some she finished first overall.
The races start out like this with about 50 or more runners from a dozen schools. Our favorite runner is on the far left of the line with a blonde ponytail. 💛
It doesn't take long before she's in the fastest pack, often leading them.

Her consistent pace and long strides give her an edge in providing lots of space between her and her competitors.

Her old PR was beat this season for a new one …20.42!

That time earned her a first place overall finish. 😀
She and another senior were the team captains who led the group to State.
They had a cute Insta post during the season, too.