Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Free Tea Day!

Once a year, one of our favorite places to eat gives free tea to all customers. We all brought our reusable tea cups, too!

They surprised us with a uniqe give-a-way...McAlister's Tea Ice Cream!! They asked if we each wanted a pint. Heck yeah!!

It was actually quite tasty. Very refreshing vanilla with a hint of lemon. Three thumbs up from us!

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Blueberry Harvest

 Our blueberry bushes were really full this year!

The spring rains and warm sunshine helped to make our harvest quite abundant. We were outside almost daily from the end of June to the first of July picking them. We shared some with friends and neighbors, too.

They were so plump and juicy right off the bush! I might have been guilty eating just as many as I added to the bucket. But when several of us were picking together, the buckets filled up much faster. 

Purely organic, these delicious berries will keep us satisfied all winter. It's one of my favorite crops, and they are so easy to grow!

Tuesday, July 12, 2022


After we returned from our trip to the Middle East, Ashlyn had 24 hours to report to her surgical residency in Birmingham. She took only what would fit in her car, and we promised to bring the rest later. 

The loaded truck made it difficult to use our mirrors, but it was an opportunity for our little one to practice driving like this after we got through Atlanta. She did surprisingly well! When we arrived at Ashlyn's place, we unloaded and hauled her items up to her 4th floor apartment. As the girls organized her furniture and decorations, Eric wired up her cable, wi-fi, and TV. 

She was so excited she wouldn't have to sleep on the floor anymore! 

Eric also wanted to make sure her air filters were clean. But without a ladder and tools, we had to improvise.

Our short trip gave us limited time to explore the area. There was a disc golf park nearby, so we decided to stretch our legs before the drive home and play a few holes. Although it was a really tough course,Eric somehow still managed to score par. 

The following weekend, Alex drove to Alabama for a visit. Ashlyn's sparsely furnished apartment seemed to be sufficient with a little creativity. Her study desk worked just fine as a dining table. 

Simplicity at it's best!

Friday, July 8, 2022


 Julia obtained her driver's license. 

After obtaining a driver's learner permit, completing a driver's education course, and many hours of practice driving, she took her driving test for an official license.  She passed her driving test with flying colors.

What was her first driving experience alone with her new driver's license?  Dad needed some groceries, so Julia drove to the store all by herself.  She is following in her father's footsteps as his first trip was to the grocery store also.

Here is Julia getting ready to drive.

Big smiles in the car by herself.

And she is on the road.  Drive safe!