Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Opening Game

Our professional home baseball team, the Greenville Drive, had their opening game on a chilly Friday evening mid-April. I was given some sweet tickets to the rooftop at Fluor Field complete with an open bar and free food!

The views were spectacular! I didn't capture the fireworks in time, but it was an awesome experience to watch from this location. 

My dates were the best, too!

These seats basically spoiled me from ever enjoying general seating again. So bougie!

Monday, April 4, 2022

Bake Sale

Our youngest is in Student Council this year, so she had to participate in raising funds for spirit week. Her friends decided to host a bake sale at the school.

The weekend of spirit week, two of her friends came over and baked for 7 hours! They made a mess for sure, but they also cleaned everything up.

They had a great time mixing, baking, and wrapping everything! The cookies, brownies, 7-layer bars, pumpkin bread, banana bread, and peppermint bark was sold out by Wednesday.

So that evening, she made a few more things to sell on Thursday/Friday. 

In total, they raised $350! Way to go!

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Live Stations

After a two-year gap, our church youth group performed their Living Stations this year during Lent. As one of the teaching assistants, I had a backstage view to all the set up and action. Here, Jesus falls for the 3rd time.

It was a silhouette scene where the students portrayed each station of Jesus walking the road to calvary. In this station, Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem.

After each scene is set up, the students hold their positions while music plays. Then a voice shares what it must be like in Mary's heart as she watches her son die for us. 

I was amazed at how well the students performed! It was such a moving experience, even backstage.

The final scene was well choreographed. Kuddos to the teacher for making this all happen!