Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Intro to Alex

Previous blogs may have casually mentioned Ashlyn's boyfriend, but who is he?  This is Alex.

They met playing volleyball through the church young adult group. Sometimes they are partners on the same team, and other times they play against each other on opposing teams, but they both take the game very seriously. 

They compete in mud runs, too, and usually with a great group of friends who are just like them...high energy and athletic.

With their busy schedules, they try to schedule dinner together a few times a week. 

One thing that sets them apart is spicy foods. Alex didn't grow up eating jalapeƱos like our family, so what tastes like a bell pepper to us is super hot to him. But he's made huge strides in acclimating himself, like doing the deadly hot One Chip Challenge

Well done, Alex. You've earned your seat at the McConnell table.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Match Day

 On Monday, March 14th, Ashlyn got the notification...

In the medical school world, this is HUGE. Med students study four long, hard years in hopes of landing a residency at their favorite hospital in their dream field. While Ashlyn and her closest friends all matched, they didn't know where they were matched, and in some intances, which program they matched in.They decided to all be together when they found out. We made a sweet celebration out of it with the cutest cookies!

The match information was delivered via e-mail, and the students gave their phones to a parent who could keep a straight face (not me). She wrote each of their match information down on a poster and handed them out upside down.

At the count of three, they turned over the cards. One, two...

Three!!! It's surgery in Birmingham, AL for Ashlyn, with her friends getting Radiation Oncology in Virginia and Internal Medicine in Florida. Congratulations, ladies!

Next, she talked with Alex who was on face-time during the reveal. This was just as much a part of his future too, it seems. 

Way to go baby girl! We are so proud of you getting your 1st choice! You worked hard for this, and we can't wait to see you become an amazing surgeon!