Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Friday, March 26, 2021


Up until just a few months ago, medical experts recommended your first colonoscopy screening at the age of 50.  Now, they say 45 years old.  Regardless which age you go with, I'm there.  It's time.

The week-long prep was difficult.  Seven days prior, I had to give up my vitamins because they contained iron.  Five days prior, I had to give up nuts, granola, seeds, fruits with seeds  (blackberries, strawberries), popcorn, and cracked or red pepper.  These are my staple foods!! But my motivation for wanting to be "clean" for the procedure won the fight.  So, I treated myself to a grilled cheese sandwich.

Three days out, I had to give up meats, raw veggies, salads, corn, beans, and anything with dyes (like red or purple gatorade).  Urrggh!   I settled instead for delicious tomato soup.

Two days out, I had to eat smaller meals in anticipation of a complete fast.  Here's my last meal of mac & cheese.

One day prior, only clear liquids ALL DAY LONG!  Breakfast was apple juice, morning snack was plain coffee (no dairy), lunch was iced tea, and my afternoon snack was carbonated water.  Dinner was a nasty concoction of grape-flavored salt water, followed by two huge glasses of plain water.  Then the girgling begins.  And trust me, when you have to pass gas, it's not gas.  Take a seat.

The next morning at 4am I had the honor to repeat the previous medicine.  It worked quick and I was miserable for two hours!   But by 9am, I was ready, clean, and at the hospital.

The hard part was over, and I did it!  My preventative screening was complete and it was a great report.  Now I'm good for another 10 years!  

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Irish Kilt

With Covid precautions still preventing public events, Eric decided to run in his own St. Patrick's day race wearing his kilt.

The girls and I wanted to enjoy the outdoors, so we joined him on the Swamp Rabbit Trail.  They had fun doing the "Leprechan" in a photo.

While they took off jogging, I went for a nice walk.  Here's our Irishman finishing his last stretch.  He received several comliments along the way!