Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Friday, December 18, 2020

Latest Project

Eric has been testing out a new greenhouse prototype for his winter garden.  This project is designed to use no soil.  No soil = no bugs eating his plants.

Step one:  Create the container and buy seeds.

Step two:  Plant seeds in a shallow egg crate with just enough soil to allow the seeds to germinate and start a root system.  This is the only time that soil is used.  Eric keeps either natural light or artificial light on them 18 hours a day.  

Step three:  Once the seedlings have sprouted, he delicately rinsed the plants and roots of all soil, then placed in his homemade container (yellow lid below) that's filled with nutrient-rich water.  Using the circulation pump from our old fish tank, he installed it into the container to keep algae from growing.  Here you can see the success of his first experiment and the start of a new batch.

Step four:  Trim leaves as needed to encourage continued growth.  Then, enjoy the fruits of your labor with fresh, organic greens!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

14th Bday

Our youngest turned 14 today!  Wow, another 12 months planning for this HUGE event, from the restaurant choice to the homemade meal, deciding the cake and the frosting, planning decorations and gifts, what to wear and what to bring for breakfast in bed.  The discussion occurred often, changed her mind, details confirmed, changed slightly again, and finally made official.

But it just doesn't seem like she could be 14 already.  I mean, look how she's snuggling her Christmas Bear while reading a few chapters of her book?  

But her birthday came, despite my attempts to keep her young forever.  Breakfast was hot tea in bed.  The rest she wanted to make when she came downstairs. Waking her up with kisses reminded me of those sweet, soft cheeks 14 years ago.

Her restaurant meal was Texas Roadhouse.  I think she ate an entire basket of rolls herself!  The peanuts, on the other hand, were not served due to Covid.  While that was disappointing, I appreciate the extra precaution to keep patrons safe.

The decorations included a Hello Kitty sign along with several balloons.  My personal favorite was the balloon rocket ship where I drew my picture in one of the windows as an astronaut.

She enjoyed opening up all of her gifts, especially the punch balloon, fruit candies, glow sticks, and Funguns that Eric got her from the Dollar Store.  Oh, and the money from family was great!  She wanted it immediately put in savings.  With socks from Luke and pants from Ashlyn, she'll stay warm all winter. 

Her cake was made using a recipe as a guide, but adjusted as necessary for less sugar, less oil, less butter, and more of whatever she deems healthy (mainly the spices).  It turned out pretty good!  It was a pumpkin cake with pumpkin cream cheese icing.  

Happy 14th Birthday!

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Warm Weather

When it's sunny and 60 degrees in December for two weekends in a row, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend time outside.

The first weekend, all 5 of us loaded up the bikes for a ride through Travelers Rest.  We followed the trail until it ended..a first!

After the ride back through town, we were parched!  Good thing there's a great watering hole there.  We made Luke buy our beer just so he could get carded.  

The next weekend was a jog (or walk) through downtown Greenville.

The little one hung with me while we looked for my name plate at the Cancer Survivor's Park.

The park is such a beautiful place, even in the winter with all the leaves gone.  

Time to head back and meet up with the fam!  I hear a street taco calling my name.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

New Truck

As we said goodbye to the Mustang, we (ie. Dana) wanted to replace it with another vehicle that was a bit more reliable and functional.  Eric needed something that could haul equipment, lawn trimmings, recycles, and the jet ski.  So, it was decided to get a truck.

Looked at Chevys... Fords... local places... out of state dealerships...

Eric wanted a quad cab.  Luke wanted a long bed.  Julia didn't want specific colors.  I wanted it as cheap as possible.  Ashlyn just got bored and started doing hand stands.

It took a few weeks, but we finally settled on a quad cab, long bed, cherry red, Chevy Colorado with a fair price tag.  Everyone wins!

Saturday, December 5, 2020

The GT (Good Times)

It finally came time to say goodbye to the GT, the Mustang GT.  It is a car that Eric has driven for 16 years.  Not only Eric, but the older two kids drove it to school and back during their high school days.  The GT was a 2001 model with a 4.6L V8.  Eric and Luke hot rodded the car, so it sounded throaty.  As with any vehicle, if you have driven it for 16 years, you are bound to have had some good times with it.  And we definitely had some good times with the GT.  Of particular fun was drag racing at the local drag strip.  

Eric and the kids were sad to see it go.  Dana, well, she was not so sad to see it go.  Eric spent money hot rodding this car and Dana just did not see the purpose of this.  Plus, the car was LOUD! 

Here is a video of Luke drag racing at a raceway.

Here is the little one giving the GT a hug.

Julia is not old to enough to have a driver’s license, but she has been looking forward to driving the GT for many years.  So, Eric let her drive it in the driveway.  Another good time.

In the end, the GT had 174k miles on it.  The engine had low compression on two cylinders and Eric determined that the piston rings were cracked.  The engine still ran, but barely.  It was a Good Time while it lasted.