Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Our youngest attended her first ever summer camp where she would be gone for two weeks!  It's a Catholic/Christian based camp in Brevard, NC.

Her cabin was high on a hill up these steps.  While it may not look tough, that climb to just drop her off made my calves burn for three days!

Inside the cabin with her group.  Her friends were from Florida, Texas, Georgia, and Louisiana, with very few from SC.  Her counselor was from France.

This is the dining hall.  It's definitely black bear country because we saw a momma bear and her cub on the way here.

Her cabin mates and counselors on church day.

 Some evenings were spent around the campfire (when it wasn't raining).

Meals and snacks were healthy, but they did get burgers on Saturdays!  That was her favorite!

The campers can sign up for whatever activities they want..hiking, backpack camping, horseback riding, archery, canoeing, sports, theatre, pottery/crafts, etc.  Here's a pic before one of their hikes.

The closing of each day was spent in reflection and comradery.  

One of the nights they spent watching the sunset.  No phones, no computers, just peace and a guitar, like the Sound of Music.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

6th Grade Awards

The end of school awards are always an exciting time in our house.  We're a pretty competitive group. 😁

She was called on stage for awards, certificates, special honors, and medals. Below was one of her favorite projects displayed in the hallway.  

She then wanted an individual pic with her bestie...

her favorite teacher (GT - Social Studies) Mrs. Howell...

 and her Science teacher Ms. McCombs.

The award display... All A's, Mathcounts (state-wide math competition), Book Club, and "Most Intellectually Curious" in the Gifted and Talented program.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

GT Trip - Disney & NASA

The last two days of her school field trip were just as jam packed.  We spent one full day at Disney (Magic Kingdom).  The friend with her had never been, so that made it extra fun!  

We rode most rides just once, but some were worth the long lines to ride a second time.

The Christmas store in the center of the park had Santa's sleigh on display.  She couldn't resist.

On our final day, we headed to NASA's Kennedy Space Center.  I could have spent two full days here.  

There was so much to see, but so little time.  I think we'll have to come back.

My favorite part of NASA was their Atlantis building.  It's named after one of their 5 shuttles in the program.

What I didn't realize is that the building was named that because they had the ACTUAL space shuttle kept inside!!  OMG!!!  Why did I not know this!!!  

I was completely in awe of this flying marvel.  It flew 33 successful missions, and that 33rd was the final for the entire shuttle program.  Just look at these rocket boosters up close!

There were mock cockpits with all the specific switches, gauges, and buttons in the same locations to make it as identical as possible.  The little one looks good in there!

But the best part was another hidden gem I wasn't expecting...a flight simulation of take off!  It was so real!  Way better than any ride I've been on at Disney, Epcot, or anywhere.  Photography was not allowed or I would have taken a ton of pics.  I have GOT to go back!

Monday, June 3, 2019

GT Trip - St. Augustine

Our little one took a field trip with her GT class (Gifted & Talented) to Florida.  After looking at the itinerary at the beginning of the school year, I wanted to go, too!  Bus left sharp at 5am...

Once we arrived in St. Augustine, our nation's oldest city, our first stop was their museum.

Although it was perfect for those a bit younger, we had fun with the exhibits.

Next, the trip included a boat and trolley tour.

The original town square was a Spanish settlement with some cool history.

They have gorgeous city streets like this one at Magnolia Avenue.

And a picturesque lighthouse to guide ships to port. There is an ocean current that leads straight to Europe from here.  That current is so strong that it cuts about two weeks off a sailor's time when using it.

After all that sitting, we needed to stretch our legs and walk around a bit.  For some reason my little one loves these statues.

There were ice cream shops everywhere!  The temptation was just too much.

While waiting for our "ghost tour", we strolled a bit around the fort.  

The next morning, we took a guided tour of Castillo de San Marcos, the oldest masonry fort in the United States.  It's made of crushed seashells, or coquina, and was like a sponge that absorbed attacks.  It protected the town from pirate and British invasions.

That ocean current mentioned earlier proved a risk for many sea-goers, as pirates often patrolled those waters knowing that merchants would want to travel the shortest path possible.

There are some fun boat activities here that bring this history to life, including birthday  parties for kids or a rum party for adults.  I would have loved to bring my son here when he was 7!

And oh, I can't forget the old jail house in town.  I found my daughter lined up with the "chain gang".

But the sheriff caught up with her!