Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Monday, November 26, 2018

Gingerbread Village

For the past few years, our little one has talked the family into decorating a gingerbread village the night of Thanksgiving.  I think it's her way of starting Christmas early. 

She assigns everyone a "building", then goes into a story of how each structure is part of the bigger village.  

I had the hospital with a medical school wing.  Ashlyn had the bakery.  The little one had a toy shop.  Eric had our house we lived in.  And Luke had the outhouse.  He was the last one to join us, so that's why his building was shaped a bit odd.

With everyone home, we couldn't resist a breakfast trip to our usual hangout.  We enjoyed our visit with Dean, the owner at Kolache Factory.  He knows our family well.

Then Eric decided to help with the outside decorations this year.  It didn't stop with the blowup Santa from last year.  Oh no.  Now we have our entire front yard outlined in lights so Santa knows where to land his sleigh.  

Good grief...  I'm sure the neighbors are thrilled.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

College Experience

We hope our son's college experience includes academic success, career preparation, and  discovering his gifts to become the man God wants him to be.  In addition, we want him to have fun...just not too much.  Here are some pictures that showcase a few of his recent activities.

A camping trip with some friends to the Blue Ridge Mountains.

The leaves were in full color, although this picture doesn't show it well.

The campsite was right on top of a hill for good viewing.

A few weeks later, one of his friends from a different group invited him to a semi-formal dance at a sorority party.  She is from Atlanta.

His smile is a little too big in this next picture.  Glad he had fun, though.

Ok, time to get back to academics now.  See you at Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 3, 2018

White Coat

Ashlyn received her official white coat on Sunday!  We're so proud of her for getting into med school and the success she's had already while there.

Out of 11,500 applicants, only 167 became the Class of 2022.

The Class of 2022!

Here's the YouTube video where they all walked into the auditorium.  

The medical students were then called to the stage in groups.  Ashlyn was on the end of her group.

And finally it was her turn!!  :)

The professional photographer captured it best!

Here's the YouTube video of her name being called and receiving the coat...

She received a monogrammed coat, a personalized stethoscope, her medical pin, and a VCOM pin.

We were so proud her!  They do this after Block 1 to make sure the students can handle the coursework and intense program.

A picture of all of us, minus our son at college.

Then a nice reception on the grounds.  They had little sugar cookies with white coats, lots of delicious dessert squares, and fresh fruit.  It was really fancy like a wedding.  Even their water bottles were custom-labeled.  I see where all the tuition goes.

Since we were hungry and wanted a more filling meal, we took Ashlyn to the Beacon.  This place is famous in SC for it's greasy burgers, fries, and onion rings.  We dared her to wear the white coat in there, but it wasn't the place for a medical professional to be seen.

She was excited to try it!

Despite the clogging of our arteries, we made the best of it!  All smiles here to celebrate a fun day.