Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Friday, August 24, 2018

6th Grade

Our youngest started middle school this year.  My goodness how time flies!  

The biggest challenge was figuring out how to open her locker and set it up.  This was done a week before school started.

We drew a mock floor plan of the school on the driveway to practice getting from class to class, then back to her locker, then lunch, then back to locker again, and then to related arts before catching the after-school bus.  

For the first day, you have to show up with a friend.  That way, you still look cool even when you don't know where you're supposed to go.  Kolaches made it even better.

For dinner, she got to pick the menu now that she's the only child at home.  Eric and I enjoyed listening to all her activities, who sat where for lunch, which teachers were her favorites, what it was like to walk down the 8th grade hall, and issues with the lockers.

Here's to a great year!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Finally at USC

Luke couldn't wait to get to college, and it was hard to see him go.  A friend told me that our job as parents is to give our children roots and wings.  The roots took 18 years to develop, and wings only one day.  We tried to make the best of things before he left...

Packing, shopping, and swinging his sister..

A family selfie picture...

Then eating at India Palace, his favorite!

Move-in day was crazy.  Lots of cars, parents, and new students waiting in line forever just to haul their belongings into the dorms.

Finally moved in, here's a picture of his dorm room. 

 Luke and his roommate, Ethan.

Good luck, son!  The world is yours.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Med School

After years of playing doctor and dressing up for Halloween....

our oldest finally walked through the doors of medical school at 21 yrs old.  It's the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine, or VCOM for short.  

For her first day, our Little One decided to make a scavenger hunt to make Ashlyn's event special.  She left little clues all over the house, saving her white coat for the final clue.  

Then bright and early at 6:45am, she headed out the door to her first day of class.

Later that week, VCOM held a family picnic and we got to see inside. 

The med school made it look really nice with photo back drops, welcome signs, and lots of balloons.

Here's the entrance to her main lecture room....

and the place she has selected to sit as her assigned seat.  Notice Eric at the lectern pretending to be the speaker.

One final picture outside before we leave.  Best of luck, sweet Ashlyn!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Motor Cross Riding

Luke and Eric decided to take the CRF250R motorcycle out to a local motor cross track for a little action.

Here is Luke getting started.

Here is Luke after a big air jump.  The track length was about 1 mile long and featured about a dozen jumps along with woop-tee-doo's.

And here we are racing away.

It was a lot of fun.  At the end of 3 hours of riding we were sore, hot, and worn out. Another exciting day in McConnell land.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Pink Flamingo

Eric thinks it's funny to buy things that are pink flamingo because I think it's tacky.  Hence, we decided to make his 48th birthday theme filled with all things flamingo.

We decorated with lots of balloons, streamers, and presents.  The homemade strawberry cake had Kit Kat bars going all around the edge, his favorite chocolate treat!  

 Then, a pinata filled with gummies and more chocolate.

The girls went first... and got a few hits on it.

Our son was next, and needless to say, that's all it took.

It was fun having them all home to celebrate his birthday!