Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Sunday, November 26, 2017


It was great to have everyone home for a few days, it truly made me thankful.  The holiday began with our son receiving his college acceptance letter:

Then Ashlyn made it safely from Columbia in time to pick her little sister up from school and play.

Our family meal was delicious!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 24, 2017


This clever school project has the students paint a picture, then they add a frame and charge $30 bucks.  How can a parent NOT buy this when their child is so excited!  Biggest racket ever, but at least it's for a good cause.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Soccer Girl

Our youngest has really enjoyed being back in soccer this fall.  She has a strong team, and they had a great season.  She even scored a goal in the final tournament, taking her team into the championships. 

Season end-pictures wouldn't be complete without a few crazy poses...

Celebration time afterwards with frozen yogurt!

Saturday, November 18, 2017

School Lunch

I don't get invited much any more to join our little one for lunch at school, so when she asks, I go.  The most recent occasion was shortly after school started, and we weren't sure of the arrival time -- I ended up being 15 minutes late!!  Two months later, I was happy to receive another invite, only this time, she left a note on my purse:

I successfully made it on time, and she was happy.  It was a special Thanksgiving lunch, their best meal of the year.  For only $3, I received a full plate of the best southern fixings around!  Here's my sweet girl and her friends....

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

New Business

I came home from work one afternoon and saw this in the driveway....

When I inquired what they were up to, the boys said they found these boxes next to a dumpster outside the local bowling alley.  They took the opportunity to salvage them and sell as target practice for $10 a piece, or $50 per box as a volume discount.  

So far, they've made $10 through online platforms and word of mouth.  Luckily, they are storing these at the friend's house.  Gotta applaud them for trying!

Sunday, November 5, 2017


My daughter took my costume this year and became a detective.  Some called her "Inspector Gadget", which was still appropriate.  Her friend dressed up as a robber to make the duo complete.

Since I had to find a new costume, I used an old skirt we made in Girl Scouts and found some other items to become a pioneer.  The outfit transitioned nicely once I got home and made our traditional pumpkin pancakes for dinner on Halloween.

Here's the group photo of us at work...

Friday, November 3, 2017

Field Trip

Our little one had the best school field trip ever!  The students went to Jekyll Island, Georgia for three days.

Bus left at 5am on Monday morning with the days packed until 10pm at night.  

They learned about marine animals and glowing algae.

They walked through the marsh and saw how many animals thrive in that environment.

They also dissected a shark.

Nighttime was also fun.  The chaperones didn't get much sleep, but the students slept really well.

I couldn't go on this one, which is why it may have the best ever.  In my defense, though, I slept really good in my own bed each night.