Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Friday, September 22, 2017

23 Students

Our oldest came home from college with 22 of her friends from the cross country club.  There was a XC meet that Saturday morning nearby, so they all decided to crash at our house.

We used all the blow up mattresses, sheets, blankets, and pillows we had...

And still only found space for 11.  The rest slept on the floor with whatever they brought.

For entertainment, the group decided to attend a Faith Hill & Tim McGraw concert.  

Of course, I wanted to go, too!  So did my co-workers.

Then the little one wanted to go, and we couldn't leave her behind.

Seats were a little high up, but when you had to get that many block seats at the last minute, you take what you can get.  Still a good view, though.

Later in the show, I stopped by to say hello to someone I knew with a suite!  Then decided to hang out there a while.  The views were amazing!

Fabulous night.  Totally worth it!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


With our youngest now in 5th grade, she has the option to take violin lessons at school.  She jumped at the chance, which worked out well since we still had the instrument at home.

She's first learning how to care for the instrument and the sound each string makes. It's so wonderful to hear those first few sounds.  (Pluck, pluck, pluck....)  I can't wait for the first concert!! 

Sunday, September 10, 2017


Occasionally we feel like having game night.  But for us, it's usually a card game like hearts or spades.  The stakes are high, with the winner obtaining a package of twizzlers or coca cola gummies.

With brownies, milk, and popcorn to enjoy throughout the game, there really are no winners or losers.  But for those interested, the prize went to the little one!  (Hint, the guy in green usually feeds cards to her.)