Eric had surgery this week for his artial fibrillation. Prior to going in, he did so much research on the internet that it was driving me crazy. He watched YouTube video after video on all the types of procedures possible, and the outcomes of each. I think he was more versed on the procedure than the medical staff.

Before the IVs were hooked up, we took one quick selfie.
Once in recovery, the hospital had a "code orange" or a "fire warning" on the first floor. Although still groggy from the medication, Eric instinctively replied that they needed to "transfer power from the electrical outlet to a battery". He doesn't remember saying any of this, which is quite funny.
The doctor said the procedure went really well, and he couldn't even force a-fib when he tried! Eric has been doing great at home, lectored in church this weekend, and even went for a long walk today. Very thankful and blessed!