Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas Spirit

There are lots of Santa's this time of year who relay the messages back to the North Pole.  But every now and then you come across the real Santa, and we were blessed to see him when he stopped in South Carolina.

Only my girls were willing to talk with him, so they received a special ornament.

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Birthday #8

Our little one had her special day that is always 12 months in the making!  This year was a little backwards in how we did things, but all the components of our family tradition were there.

We began her celebration with a party of girls coming over from 1-5pm.  The movie was at 3pm, so we did cake and presents first before heading to the theater.  It was a LOUD drive to the movies and back, but they all seemed to have fun.

Next on the birthday agenda was a family outing.  She chose Outback despite her siblings trying to convince her to go elsewhere.

That night (before her birthday), we decided to open family presents since her brother had a wrestling match the next day.  She loved her birthday shirt, earrings, cards, Justice trinkets, and a big stuffed animal from Frozen.  Thank you for all the wonderful, sweet gifts!

On her real birthday morning, we made her breakfast in bed with waffles, fruit, and milk.  Look at who photo bombed the pic!  Happy Birthday little one!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Flower Girl

Our youngest was asked to be the flower girl at her cousin's wedding!  At first, she was excited, but then became shy as it got closer.  After the rehearsal, though, her confidence grew and she was great.

First, we had to be at the church by 10am for the hair stylist.
Then prior to the ceremony when the coast was clear of the groom, the bridal party took pictures outside.

The little one looks so cute.
 She said she saw the bride and groom kiss.  They kissed a bunch during pictures. 

Back at the reception, our son had a great time with his cousins.  He was recruited to be an usher during the ceremony.

The next day, we enjoyed a walk along the River Walk.  It was a wonderful quick trip to see family.