Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

My youngest "indian" helped set the table before our Thanksgiving meal.  
Since we weren't quite ready to eat, the kids occupied themselves by decorating a gingerbread house.  It looked so good that we ate it for dessert an hour later!

The next day, we put up the tree and got the house ready for Christmas.  Although our youngest is almost 8 yrs old, she still loves to play with the nativity set.

Wonderful Advent blessings!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Wrestling Tournament

Our son decided to try wrestling this fall.  Although a freshman and new to the sport, he made varsity.  As his mom, I feel a little better that there are weight classes, but he'll be still be up against more experienced wrestlers.
The conditioning and meets are a great outlet for teenagers since they come home exhausted!  The coaches are also fabulous about building strong character values.

Friday, November 14, 2014

State Meet

Last weekend was the SC State Cross Country meet.  Our school had both our boys and girls varisty qualify for this race in Columbia for Division 2A.

The gun went off.....

The sandy hills were unexpected for our oldest as she struggled to keep up with those more experienced with this course.  We later found out that spiked shoes was the key to performing well.

Our daughter finished 27th overall, and the team came in 6th place!