Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Memorial Weekend

The family went hiking in Chimney Rock, NC over Memorial Day weekend.  The weather was questionable all day, but after several hours, we headed out just before the thunderstorm hit.

This was Devil's Head, and if you look in the background in the picture below, you can see a rock in the shape of a head.

In one of the caves, there was a small opening looking onto Chimney Rock.  The girls had fun taking a few pictures.

At the end of the hike was a tall rock clilmbing wall.  The little one went halfway up!  So proud of our little climber.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mother's Day

 For Mother's Day, the little one gave me a coupon book good for a free kiss, a big hug, snuggle time, etc.  Super sweet!

Then, we spent some time together at a balloon fest.  Although it was too windy to go up, we still enjoyed seeing the baskets and colorful balloons outstretched on the ground.

Afterwards, we snuggled in the living room to watch a million episodes of Good Luck Charlie.  Sweet times.  :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Prom 2014

Our oldest is such a beautiful young lady, and it's such a priviledge to be her mom and watch her grow up.  The young man taking her this year was the same one as last year, although they still just went as friends. He just got a new car and was excited to show it off on prom night.

She looks so short because she's wearing flip flops.  After wearing heels last year and realizing how sore your feet are by the end of the night, she picked out a dress that was the perfect length without heels.  Her shoes were flat, silver flip flops with rhinestones on them.

Monday, May 12, 2014

First Interview

Our son decided to interview to be an LIT (Leader in Training) for the YMCA summer camp.  It was his first real interview for a job, and he was nervous.  Although he felt he could have done better, he got the job! Glad he didn't see me take this picture.  :)

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Our oldest decided to run for Senior Class President.  Although she didn't win, I was so proud of her for trying.  She had a great speech and amazing posters!

Monday, May 5, 2014


After all the beatiful Texas Bluebonnet pictures we've seen over the years, it was finally our turn to take some great family pictures!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Texas Country

We spent spring break in the beautiful farms of central Texas.  We got to see Grandma, Uncle Joe, TC, our cousins, and some friends we ran into along the way.  The weather was georgous!  We even enjoyed an Easter Egg Hunt on the farm!

Our oldest caught the most fish, but I didn't capture a picture of her since she was usually on the other side of the lake.  Daddy caught the biggest fish.

The little one cried when it was time to fillet the catch, as she said it hurt the fish.  We were being mean, and she wanted to part in eating it later.  After that, any fish we caught had to be thrown back in the lake to be with it's family.

While Mommy mowed, the little one got to swing.  Eventually, she talked her brother into relaxing on the hammock.

Our son was excited to drive on the farm and fine-tune his skills since he's next in-line for a license.  He was always in charge of taking the family to San Gabriel before we'd switch drivers.

This made the little one jealous, so when she had an opportunity to drive a golf cart, she jumped at the chance.  After Mommy  experienced several jerks of whiplash, the little one gradually got better.  Glad it will be a while longer before this one drives.