Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Winter Waterpark Getaway

The family took a long weekend break to enjoy an indoor waterpark at Pigeon Forge, TN.  It was only 3 hrs away, so we found a great hotel rate and headed out.

The orange and green water slides were our favorite because the whole family could go together.  They were huge tubes where you swished way up one side and then up the other, then a large waterfall-like drop that scares the heck out of you, especially if you're the one going backwards!

They also had indoor surfing, so the guys had to show off their skills....

Another favorite was the indoor/outdoor hot tub.  You start off inside the arena, but can then swim through a tunnel to the outside hot tub.  It was quite chilly in the air (20 degrees), but so toasty in the water.

This is one place we'll have to re-visit.  It was the perfect adventure during a long winter weekend.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Family Ski Trip

The whole family went on a ski trip together, as opposed to Daddy just taking the older two.  We went somewhere close, just 2 hrs away in NC.  The little one had never been on skis, so she spent lots of time on the beginner slope learning how to snow plow.

Older brother was on the other side of her ready to catch if she went too fast, or help pick her up if she fell.  But after a while, he decided to go back to the blue courses and find his older sister.  He did pretty good, though, considering all his prior experience is in snow boarding.  After one "practice" run down a green slope in skis, he was ready for blue the rest of the day.

The little one had a bunch of falls, but enjoyed the snow.  By the end of the day, she was riding off the ski lift herself without falling!  Mommy was proud.  After not skiing in 20 years, I did pretty good as well.  I ended up on a blue run by the end of the day.  As for our oldest, she preferred the black diamonds.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Distinguished Young Woman

Our oldest has decided to participate in a scholarship and academic pageant.  Years ago, the program was called "Junior Miss", but re-branded itself a few years ago to Distinguished Young Women.  The program is based in Mobile, Alabama, but has state and local representatives in the year leading up to nationals.

This year's local competition will be held on February 8th.  A link to the website and contestant profiles is here DYW Anderson County.

The program is based on 5 areas:
- Scholastic
- Interview
- Talent
- Fitness
- Self-Expression

The scholastic portion is based on your SAT scores, class ranking, and overall GPA.
The interview will be conducted earlier in the day as a sit down discussion with a panel of judges.
The talent only gives each participant 90 sec (cannot go over) to show off skills & abilities.
The fitness is a dance routine that all girls will perform together like a dance, showing endurance.
The self-expression is a knee-length dress with heels, stage presence, poise, and grace.

We all know which areas my daughter will excel, and which areas she has the most to work on.  She doesn't wear makeup, and asked if heels are required.  I'll keep you posted....

Tomorrow I have the priviledge of taking her shopping for a dress.  She has already disliked the first 3 I found and texted to her phone.  Anyone want to fly to SC and do this for me???  (please!)