Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Saturday, April 27, 2013

PVHS Prom Night

The new high school finally had it's first prom, and the kids seemed really excited.  Lots of parents volunteered to set up and clean up, but only teachers could chaperone.  Our daughter went to the prom with a friend in her group who is so polite and well-mannered.  Eric & I enjoyed talking with him the night before at the bonfire.

The four here are all really great friends, and it made for a wonderful evening.  I have to admit that it was difficult watching them all drive off together in one vehicle.  A parent or two may have secretly followed to make sure they made it safely to dinner and then later, the prom.  But, the kids were good sports about everything, including the pictures.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Pre-Prom Bonfire

Since the weather on Saturday was calling for rain (and lots of it), the group of about 30 decided to do a pre-prom bonfire on Friday night.  The weather was perfect for roasting marshmallows, hot dogs, and hanging out.

One of the students played guitar, and the vocal talents who accompanied the music were amazing!  It's nice to see teenagers enjoy camaraderie that keep their friendships strong.

After 3 hours of manning the fire, monitoring activities, and replenishing the snack bar, we were exhausted.  But, this is such a great group of kids that we love hosting these a few times each year. It was a great ending to a busy week.  Now, time to rest for a busy day tomorrow - the school's first prom!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Studio M

"M" is for McConnell, that is.  Our oldest is developing a program for K5-2nd graders called "Kids Fit Health Week".  This is for her Gold Award project in Girl Scouts, but will also be repeated next year as her senior project in high school.

For one week, the elementary school will show a video to the students about eating right and the importance of exercising.  We hired a production company to film these 5 videos, one for each day.

Our home was turned into a studio, and it takes about 2 hours to capture the footage that will be used in only 3-4 minutes of video.  I'll be posting the videos below as they are completed, so check back often.  They have done an amazing job!  They really worked with our daughter to bring her script to life in a high energy, fun video.  We're very appreciative of the grants that came in to help fund this project, and hope that it makes a positive impact on our community.

Script 1 - Introduction (Monday's video)
Script 2 - Healthy Foods (Tuesday's video)
Script 3 - Exercise (Wednesday's video)
Script 4 - Snacking (Thursday's video)
Script 5 - Proper Hydration (Friday's video)

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Well, it's the end of an era for our family.  After 12 years of a monthly tradition, our favorite pizza place closed their doors.  We met our friends here on the last day it was open, just to be able to say good-bye.

Where else could you go for $6.99 and get a great salad bar, amazing pizza, the latest movie, free game cards (if you brought your report card or had a coupon), and 3 hours of fun?

The kids played one last time on their favorite games.  Everything went up for auction the next day, and most of these games sold for $1,200 or more!

We gathered up all our cards collected over the years and just let the kids use them all up.  The points tally was pretty high, so they had fun picking out as many toys as possible.  Did you know that 50 army parachute jumpers can all be released from the top of the stairs at one time?  One big tangled mess is the result, though.

Before we left, we wanted our little "keepsake", so Eric bought a pizza pan for a few dollars.  We'll take pride in using that for cookies, pizza, and anything else we feel, just knowing it's our own souvenir.