Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. -- Brad Henry

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Skate Night

Our youngest had skate night at her school, where the school receives a percentage of all sales that evening.  So, with the fun experience she's had in the past with her cousins in Texas, she waned to go!

At first, the skates seemed a little tough.  This place was much different from the one in Texas, and the skates were different.  She wanted to go home.  Lots of falling, real tears coming down her cheek, and just no fun at all.

Then, she recognized some friends in her class.  They were eager to help hold her hand and stay with her all around the rink.

Daddy decided to walk around with her, too!

After an hour and a half, the little one was moving on her own, although slow.  The falls were less frequent, and when she did, it didn't seem to bother her any more.

Eventually, it was time to leave, and she was sad to have to go.  But, they all gave her hugs and we left with smiles!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Solo Flight

After 25 flight hours since late-November, it was time to fly solo.  My first solo flight was to "stay in the pattern" and do 2 touch 'n goes, then a full stop.

The feeling of being the sole pilot in the aircraft is absolutely amazing!  Of all the pictures taken today, this one to the left is my favorite.  My son is looking on as I fly solo.

It's tradition at this flight school to cut up the student's t-shirt after their first flight to commemorate the event.  The shirts are then tacked to a dedicated wall at school. Sarah did an awesome job on mine!

Although we had about 8 kts of crosswind, and the first landing not my best, I finished my last two landings as soft as a butterfly.  Eric captured this picture of me walking back in from the solo flight and tie down.

This is my instructor, Sarah.  She has been so patient these past few months as I asked over 100 questions, had her repeat pretty much everything, and re-arranging her schedule to fit mine.  Credit for this photo goes to my little 6 yr old photographer!